Event Start Date : 30/05/2022 Event End Date 30/06/2022
DMS witnessed a grand investiture ceremony as newly formed Students' Council was pipped on 30th May for the session 2022-23. The program began with the congratulatory note to all the four house-masters i.e. Shanti House, Pragati House, Jagriti House and Kirti House. The Principal Dr. S. K. Gautam along with the CCA incharge, all the co-ordinators and the house masters pipped the Students' Council. It was a proud moment for all the Council members as they were bestowed with badges bearing great responsibilities which they accepted wholeheartedly. A march past was also displayed by the new council led by the Marshalls, Headboy, Headgirl and the House Captains bearing the flags of their houses. The newly formed Council took a pledge of their dedication and sincerity towards their duty. The Principal Dr S. K. Gautam congratulated the Office Bearers reminding them of the solemn responsibilities they have to carry out throughout the year. The grand ceremony concluded with the National Anthem.