In the venerated campus of Dayanand Model Senior Secondary School, Dayanand Nagar, Jalandhar International Yoga Day was organised.DMS School hosted this fruitful event in collaboration with their NCC Unit 1 PB AIR SQN NCC, Jalandhar in which more than 15 Schools and colleges had participated along with CTO'S and ANO'S. They exhibited great zeal and enthusiasm in various exercises like Anulom Vilom, Kapalbhati, Surya Namaskar, Mnduk Aasan etc.On this auspicious occasion Yog Guru Sh. Abhishek Mehra from Patanjali Yogpeeth was invited and he had briefed the audience about the health benefits of Yoga to the Cadets.Yog Guru emphatically emphasised on the healthy ways of living in order to synergise immunity in our body.Wing Commander of 1 PB AIR SQN NCC, Jalandhar Mr. Deepak Sharma not only thanked Yoga Instructor for his valuable thoughts and suggestions for the youth and but also highly indebted to School Principal Sh. SK Gautam Ji for providing school campus for such a fruitful and productive activity.In the end Dr. S K Gautam extended the vote of thanks to the Guests of the day Yog Guru Mr. Abhishek Mehra from Patanjali Yogpeeth and Wing Commander Mr. Deepak Sharma for sparing their valuable time and for enlighting the students about benefits of Yoga- A life Science.